Probleme Arenaspleef

J’ai un problème très embêtant avec mon plugin arenaspleef. Dans mon arène spleef, Dès que l’on spawn dans l’arène, nous ne recevons pas de pelle en diamant. Aussi, j’aimerais reduire le temps d’attente dès que 2 personnes on rejoins la queue (Le mien est de 60 sec et j’aimerai le réduire a 30).

Merci d’avance :shy:

Voici les config et les logs :

version: 1.1

superpick: false ## superpick allows instantenous block breaking
superpick_item: 284 ## Gold shovel

maxLayers: 10 ## Maximum amount of layers a spleef can have
maxRegionSize: 20000 ## Maximum size for each spleef layer

parameters to stop islanding

enable: true
fails: 7 ## how many checks will take place, 1 check a second
radius: 1 ## if they havent moved at least this far from their previous location then a check is failed

brokenArenas: {}
worldName: flatroom
- ba-spleef-myfirstarena-0
ba-spleef-myfirstarena-0: 60
teamSize: 1+
‹ 1 ›: flatroom,-331.69999998807907,39.0,162.5695823414092,269.69992,8.399999
‹ 0 ›: flatroom,-297.30000001192093,39.0,163.72307249385454,89.6999,13.949993
nTeams: 2+
type: Spleef

configVersion: 2.0

for more help configuring see the wiki

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Change this file to customize your competition

enabled: true
joinType: Queue
database: Spleef # or delete if you dont want wins/losses/top, needs BattleTracker
rated: true # if database is enabled
prefix: « &6[Spleef]&e »
command: spleef
victoryCondition: LastManStanding
nTeams: 2
teamSize: 1+
### You can delete any stages/transitions that have no options
### for a list of options see wiki
defaults: ## Global options for the entire match
options: [woolTeams]
preReqs: ## Prerequisites for joining
options: []
options: [storeAll]
options: [restoreAll]
onOpen: ## opening the event
options: [pvpOff]
onJoin: ## when they join the event
options: [teleportIn]
onPreStart: ## x seconds before onStart
options: [pvpOff]
onStart: ## Starting
options: [pvpOff,277]
onSpawn: ## what happens when a player spawns
options: [hunger=20, health=20]
onDeath: ## what happens when a player dies
options: []
onComplete: ## what happens when things end
options: [teleportOut]
winner: ## what to give the winner
options: [health=20, hunger=20]
losers: ## what to give the losers
options: []

2013-06-09 11:12:20 [INFO] MorTeeL issued server command: /spleef reload
2013-06-09 11:12:20 [SEVERE] Couldn’t parse Option 277 value=null
2013-06-09 11:12:20 [INFO] [ArenaSpleef] Loaded Spleef params
2013-06-09 11:12:20 [INFO] [ArenaSpleef] Loaded Spleef arenas: myFirstArena[/code]

Quel est le plugin pour ton spleef ?
Mets ton fichier de config ici avec le [ code ] [ /code ]
Bien à toi

Voila :slight_smile:

Aucune erreur dans vos logs ?

si il a une erreur :

2013-06-09 11:12:20 [INFO] MorTeeL issued server command: /spleef reload
2013-06-09 11:12:20 [SEVERE] Couldn't parse Option 277 value=null
2013-06-09 11:12:20 [INFO] [ArenaSpleef] Loaded Spleef params
2013-06-09 11:12:20 [INFO] [ArenaSpleef] Loaded Spleef arenas: myFirstArena

J’ai ajouter 277 (Id de la pelle en diamand) dans la config pour l’avoir mais sans aucun effet …