Créez un système économique


Aujourd’hui nous allons voir comment crée un système d’économie pour votre serveur.
Celui-ci seras entièrement configurable.
Par la suite, nous verrons grâce à ce système comment crée des magasins afin que vos joueurs puissent revendre/acheter des cubes.


Une fois télécharger et lancé, vous devrez voir apparaitre le fichier « Iconomy », ouvrez-le puis rendez-vous dans « Config.yml » :

Fichiers de configurations:

# Setup Notes
#   - Seconds
#         Basic Table:
#           1 minute = 60 seconds
#           1 hour = 1 minute * 60 = 3600 seconds
#           1 day = 1 hour * 24 = 86400 seconds
#           1 week = 1 day * 7 = 604800 seconds
#   - Database
#           Do not use remote databases from free sites, please use either a
#           remote database from a personal hosted VPS or DEDI or a local
#           database. This will prevent any 'timeout' or 'invalid settings'
#           or 'cannot connect to database' issues. Thank you :)!

      # Should a user have the '' to use /money
      # By default this is false, so that people stop complaining that
      # iConomy doesn't work. Yes, people actually report that.
      # If you are one of those people, leave this false.
      Holdings: false

      # Major is the first segment [Major].Minor

      # Major ([Major].Minor) 1.00 Dollar (With Seperate 1 Dollar)
      Major: [ 'Euro', 'Euros' ] // Le nom de votre monnaie.

      # Minor (Major.[Minor]) 0.23 Coins  (With Seperate 0 Dollars, 23 Coins)
      Minor: [ 'Centime', 'Centimes' ] // Le nom de 'vos centimes'.

      # Default account balance when created
      Holdings: 30.0 // Montant de départ qu'un joueur possèderas lors de l'arrivé sur le serveur.

  # Controls how money is formatted through methods
    # Minor allows you to use the Minor amounts for amounts <1
    # Example (true) 0.23 Coins and 1.23 Dollars (false) 0.23 Dollars and 1.23 Dollars
    Minor: false

    # Seperate allows your money to be shown in an alternative way,
    # instead of 1.32 it will show as 1 Dollar 23 Coins
    # !!! NOTICE: This only works if Minor is set to true !!!
    Seperate: false                               # Example (true) 1 Dollar, 23 Coins (false) 1.23 Dollars (Only if Minor is true)

    # Single shows your money in another alternative way.
    # Instead of 1.23 Dollars you will see: 1 Dollar.
    # If your money is 0.23 you will see 0 Dollars if Minor is false, 23 Coins if Minor is true.
    # !!! Notice: This overrides seperate !!!
    Single: false

  # Logs all monetary transactions passed through iConomy
    Enabled: false // Log de toutes les transactions effectué.

  # Purges Default Balances at Loading
  # Good way to keep unused accounts or default accounts wiped out and lower database usage.
    Enabled: true

  # Controls amount of money gained at a set interval.
    Enabled: false // Gain par interval.

    # Only give interest to players who are currently online?
    Online: true // Envoie des intérêts si le joueur est présent sur le serveur.

      # Send a message when the player gains interest?
      Enabled: false // Envoie d'un message si le joueur gagne des intérêts 

      #  Interval is done in seconds, here is a easy reference table for commonly set intervals:
      #   1 minute = 60 seconds
      #   1 hour = 1 minute * 60 = 3600 seconds
      #   1 day = 1 hour * 24 = 86400 seconds
      #   1 week = 1 day * 7 = 604800 seconds
      Seconds: 60

      # The balance to be met where we stop giving interest.
      # 0.0 for no limit
      Cutoff: 0.0

      # Percentage of holdings to give / take (Negative to take) (Overrides Min/Max)
      Percent: 0.0

      # This is range based, to set a "flat" or "constant" rate, set each (Maximum and Minimum) to the same number.
      # If the two numbers are different, it will be a random amount in-between the two.
      Maximum: 1
      Minimum: 2

  Database: // Partie base de donnée
    # Databases Supported:
    # Flatfile, FF, mini, minidb
    #  - These all equate to miniDB
    # item, items, inventory, inventoryDB
    #  - These all equate to InventoryDB, which uses inventory for storage
    # xp, exp, orb, xpdb, expdb, orbdb
    #  - These all equate to ExperienceDB, which relies on Experience for balance.
    # mysql, mysqldb
    #  - These will attempt to connect to MySQL
    # sqlite, sqlite2, sqlite3, sqlitedb
    #  - These will attempt to create & connect to SQLite
    # postgre, postgreSQL, postgreDB
    #  - These will attempt to connect to PostgreSQL
    Type: 'minidb'
    # These are for InventoryDB only.
    # InventoryDB is essentially Physical Money.
    #   It isn't logged in a database, its based on the users inventory
    #   and the two items selected below.
    # MajorItem is the item or block ID of the major currency
    # MinorItem is the item or block ID of the minor currency
    # e.g. MajorItem: 266, MinorItem: 265 for Gold/Iron
    MajorItem: 266
    MinorItem: 265

    # This controls the database name, by default it is iConomy
    Table: 'iConomy'

    # URL is for SQL Databases Only
    # Path to iConomy folder is easy, it's the COMPLETE path.
    # (Mine) G:\MineCraft\plugins\iConomy\
    # Won't be the same as yours, but it usually looks like that.
    # [H2DB Default] h2:path/to/iConomy/folder/iConomy;AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE
    # [SQLite Default] sqlite:path/to/iConomy/folder/iConomy.db
    # Binary Databases use ip:port style connections.
    # ip
    #  - is the connection identifier (internet protocol)
    #  - for ipv6 usually encased in brackets [::1]
    # port
    #  - the port that the database is listening on
    #  - defaults: 3306 for mysql, postgre is either 5740 or 5432
    # [MySQL Default] mysql://localhost:3306/iConomy
    # [Postgre Default] postgresql://localhost:5740/iConomy
    URL: 'mysql://localhost:3306/iConomy'

    # Login details for binary databases
    Username: 'root'
    Password: ''

    # !!! Conversion is not your database settings !!!
    # Conversion allows you to convert your old 5.x to the new 6.x
    # All is currently unused.
    # URL is for MySQL only, H2DB doesn't use it.
      # Set to True, After converting, change this back to false!
      Enabled: false

      # Database Type, H2DB or MySQL
      Type: 'H2DB'

      # Database Table
      Table: 'iConomy'

      # Database URL without table at the end.
      URL: 'mysql://localhost:3306'

      # Username / Password
      # H2DB does not use this. MySQL Only.
      Username: 'root'
      Password: ''

      # Unused ATM.
      All: true

Maintenant ouvrons le fichier « template.yml ». Il contient tout les messages du plugins.
Voici une traduction en Français: Cliquez ici

Si vous avez une question ou autres n’hésiter pas à répondre.


Fichier traduction a renouveller!


Rassurez-vous je vais mettre à jour tout mais tutoriels je vais également en refaire.


slt, Il y a un probleme. Ton lien est mort . Et quand j’installe les plugins sa vas mais le plugin iconomy n’as plus été mis a jour depuis la 1.2.4 ( sa fait longtemps d’après moi )
Voici un screen :

Coordiament Mrdiki98,

Sachez que si un plugin n’est plus à jour , il peut encore fonctionner …
Donc tu peux l’installer :o


De plus, tout les tutoriaux vont être mis à jour.