CombatLog ne marche pas

Bonjour, tout le monde

J’ai un problème avec un plugin et même en recherchant une erreur, et autre tutoriel sur internet la réponse n’a pas été donné…
Donc je me confis à vous j’ai un problème avec CombatLog, quand les joueurs déco combat ils ne meurent pas etc…

  • Voici la config du plugin CombatLog


±------- Designed and Developed by JackProehl --------+

|— Please consider donating to my PayPal account. —|

±---------------- [email protected] ------------------+



**** Overview - CombatLog - Bukkit Plugins - Projects - Bukkit ****

Add me on Skype (John.Proehl) if you have any issues.

Please report all bugs and glitches on BukkitDev.

Do not backspace the Version number!

Version: 1.7.11



| Miscellaneous |



Set UpdateCheck-Enabled to true to check for available updates.

UpdateCheck-Enabled: true

Set MOTD-Enabled to true to send players a message upon logging in.

MOTD-Enabled: true

Set Broadcast-Enabled to true to broadcast when a player CombatLogs.

Broadcast-Enabled: true



| Combat |



Set Tag-Duration to how long a player is in Combat in seconds.

Set PvP-Enabled to true to enable tagging from Player vs Player combat.

Set PvE-Enabled to true to enable tagging from Player vs Mob combat.

Tag-Duration: 20
PvP-Enabled: true
PvE-Enabled: false

Add modes you want removed during Combat under Remove-Modes.

Available Modes: creative, fly, disguise.


  • fly
  • disguise
  • creative

Set onLagout to true to remove CombatTags when players lag out.

Set onKick to true to remove CombatTags when players are kicked.

Remove-Tag-On-Kick: true
Remove-Tag-On-Lagout: false

Set Remove-Potions-Enabled to true to remove Potions.

List potion effects you want removed under Potions.

Remove-Potions-Enabled: true

  • invisibility

Set Block-Commands-Enabled to true to block Commands during Combat.

Set Block-All-Commands to true to block all commands during Combat.

List commands you want blocked under Commands.

Block-Commands-Enabled: true
Block-All-Commands: false

  • home
  • spawn
  • tpa
  • tpaccept
  • tpahere
  • warp
  • back

Set Block-Teleportation-Enable to true to block all teleportation.

Set Block-Enderpearls-Enabled to true to block enderpearling.

Block-Teleportation-Enabled: true
Block-Enderpearls-Enabled: false

Set Disabled-Worlds-Enabled to true to disable CombatTag in worlds listed under Worlds.

List the worlds you want disabled under Worlds.

Disabled-Worlds-Enabled: true

  • world_custom



| Punishments |



Set Enabled to true to fine players when they CombatLog.

Set Amount to the amount of money you want the fine to be.

Enabled: false
Amount: 100.00

Set Inventory to true to drop players’ inventories when they CombatLog.

Set Armor to true to drop players’ armor when they CombatLog.

Set Exp to true to drop players’ experience points when they CombatLog.

Inventory: true
Armor: true
Exp: true

Set Enabled to true to kill players when they CombatLog.

Enabled: true

Set Enabled to true to temporarily ban players when they CombatLog.

Set Duration to how long you want them to be banned for in seconds.

Enabled: true
Duration: 20

Normalement ils devraient mourir :
Enabled: true
Quels sont les logs, lorsque par exemple un joueur déconnecte lors d’un combat ?


Voici un exemple,

Quelle est la version de ton serveur ?



Merci pour tes réponses
J’ai trouver le problème mon plugin est en 1.8.11, merci pour vos réponses.

Le problème est toujours présent avec la bonne version, le plugin me donne les coordonnées du joueurs mais ne le kill pas alors que j’ai exactement la même config… help

Si tu essayes avec ce plugin: Files - Combat Tag - Bukkit Plugins - Projects - Bukkit , est ce que le problème persiste ?
