Base sql pour xauth et iconomy

Bonjour a tous , je suis noveau et je ne comprend la base sql de minecraft-maniia . Je configure le sql pour xauth , il me dise :
2013-09-22 07:34:31 [SEVERE] [xAuth] Failed to borrow MySQL connection from pool!
java.sql.SQLException: Must specify port after ‘:’ in connection string
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.parseHostPortPair(
at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.parseURL(
at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at de.luricos.bukkit.xAuth.database.ConnectionPool.leaseConn(
at de.luricos.bukkit.xAuth.database.DatabaseController.getConnection(
at de.luricos.bukkit.xAuth.database.DatabaseController.isConnectable(
at de.luricos.bukkit.xAuth.xAuth.onEnable(
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.MinecraftServer.l(
at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.MinecraftServer.f(
at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.MinecraftServer.a(
at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.DedicatedServer.init(
2013-09-22 07:34:31 [SEVERE] [xAuth] Failed to establish MySQL database connection!
2013-09-22 07:34:31 [INFO] [xAuth] Disabling xAuth v2.4.0
Et il me le desactive et pour iconomy , il me dise :
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
Config xauth pour le sql :
enabled: true
host: localhost
port: 3307
user: 1201307221016181926198
password: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
database: a1201307221016181926198
account: accounts
location: locations
lockout: lockouts
playerdata: playerdata
session: sessions
et pour iconomy :
# Databases Supported:
# Flatfile, FF, mini, minidb
# - These all equate to miniDB
# item, items, inventory, inventoryDB
# - These all equate to InventoryDB, which uses inventory for storage
# xp, exp, orb, xpdb, expdb, orbdb
# - These all equate to ExperienceDB, which relies on Experience for balance.
# mysql, mysqldb
# - These will attempt to connect to MySQL
# sqlite, sqlite2, sqlite3, sqlitedb
# - These will attempt to create & connect to SQLite
# postgre, postgreSQL, postgreDB
# - These will attempt to connect to PostgreSQL
Type: ‘mysql’

# These are for InventoryDB only.
# InventoryDB is essentially Physical Money.
#   It isn't logged in a database, its based on the users inventory
#   and the two items selected below.
# MajorItem is the item or block ID of the major currency
# MinorItem is the item or block ID of the minor currency
# e.g. MajorItem: 266, MinorItem: 265 for Gold/Iron
MajorItem: 266
MinorItem: 265

# This controls the database name, by default it is iConomy
Table: 'iConomy'

# URL is for SQL Databases Only
# Path to iConomy folder is easy, it's the COMPLETE path.
# (Mine) G:\MineCraft\plugins\iConomy\
# Won't be the same as yours, but it usually looks like that.
# [H2DB Default] h2:path/to/iConomy/folder/iConomy;AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE
# [SQLite Default] sqlite:path/to/iConomy/folder/iConomy.db
# Binary Databases use ip:port style connections.
# ip
#  - is the connection identifier (internet protocol)
#  - for ipv6 usually encased in brackets [::1]
# port
#  - the port that the database is listening on
#  - defaults: 3306 for mysql, postgre is either 5740 or 5432
# [MySQL Default] mysql://localhost:3306/iConomy
# [Postgre Default] postgresql://localhost:5740/iConomy
URL: 'mysql://a12013072226198:3307/iConomy'

# Login details for binary databases
Username: '12013072226198'
Password: '[color=#000000]aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[/color]'

Vous pourrier m’aider s’il vous plait .

EDIT : Topic posté au mauvais endroit, je déplace !

Êtes vous sur de tous vos identifiants ?


Salut , oui je suis sur (ton mot de passe jai mis aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pour quon sache pas le reel)

Petit up :smiley:
Et est-ce que vous voyez une erreur sur mes identifiants ou pas ? si oui , dite moi les lesquelles ( P.S : j’ai changer mon mot de passe de mon compte est ce que c’est la meme chose pour ma base sql ?)

Contacte le support , ce sera plus simple :wink:

L’erreur est dans le message

java.sql.SQLException: Must specify port after ‘:’ in connection string

Merci de vos réponse , mais que attend tu part l’erreur est dans le message car je m’y connais pas trop niveau message d’erreur , peut -tu m’éclairer sur l’erreur s’il te plait ?:huh:
Et pour iconomy je les enlever et je les remplacer par essentials .

Merci d’avance :smiley:
P.S : Je sais pas comment m’adresser au support :huh:

Votre serveur est en quelle version?

Je viens de mettre a jour mon serveur en 1.6.4 .:rolleyes:

Vous savez que Xauth c’est arrêté à la 1.5.2? Avez vous essayé avec Authme Reload?

Non , je savais pas et j’aimerai savoir si les mots de passe serons conservé avec le passage de xauth a authme reload ?