
bonjour j’utilise authme en plug d’authentification mais j un gros bug

je veux que les joueur s’enregistre avec les emails mais quand il s’enregistre mais ne ce log pas ils font un deco reco et ils sont authentifie :huh: je n’arrive pas a trouver le bug pouver vous m’aider

je poste ma page de config

DataSource: mySQLHost: localhost mySQLPort: '3307' backend: mysql mySQLUsername: 8820130313522 mySQLPassword: '********' mySQLDatabase: a8820130315220336213522 mySQLTablename: authme mySQLColumnName: pseudo mySQLColumnLastLogin: ancienlogin mySQLColumnIp: ip mySQLColumnPassword: motdepasse caching: true mySQLlastlocX: x mySQLlastlocY: y mySQLlastlocZ: z mySQLlastlocWorld: monde mySQLColumnEmail: email mySQLColumnId: id GroupOptions: UnregisteredPlayerGroup: '' RegisteredPlayerGroup: '' Permissions: PermissionsOnJoin: [] settings: sessions: enabled: true timeout: 120 sessionExpireOnIpChange: true restrictions: allowChat: false allowCommands: - /login - /register - /l - /reg - /passpartu - /email - /captcha maxRegPerIp: 0 maxNicknameLength: 20 ForceSingleSession: true ForceSpawnLocOnJoinEnabled: true SaveQuitLocation: true AllowRestrictedUser: false AllowedRestrictedUser: [] kickNonRegistered: false kickOnWrongPassword: false teleportUnAuthedToSpawn: true minNicknameLength: 3 allowMovement: false timeout: 60 allowedNicknameCharacters: '[a-zA-Z0-9_?]*' allowedMovementRadius: 100 enablePasswordVerifier: true ProtectInventoryBeforeLogIn: true displayOtherAccounts: true ForceSpawnOnTheseWorlds: - world - world_nether - world_the_end banUnsafedIP: false GameMode: ForceSurvivalMode: false ResetInventoryIfCreative: false security: minPasswordLength: 4 unLoggedinGroup: unLoggedinGroup passwordHash: SHA256 doubleMD5SaltLength: 8 registration: enabled: true messageInterval: 10 force: true enableEmailRegistrationSystem: false doubleEmailCheck: false unrestrictions: UnrestrictedName: [] messagesLanguage: fr ExternalBoardOptions: mySQLColumnSalt: '' mySQLColumnGroup: '' nonActivedUserGroup: -1 mySQLOtherUsernameColumns: [] bCryptLog2Round: 10 Xenoforo: predefinedSalt: '' permission: EnablePermissionCheck: false BackupSystem: ActivateBackup: false OnServerStart: false OnServerStop: true MysqlWindowsPath: C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.1\\ Passpartu: enablePasspartu: false Security: SQLProblem: stopServer: true ReloadCommand: useReloadCommandSupport: true console: noConsoleSpam: false removePassword: true logConsole: false captcha: useCaptcha: true maxLoginTry: 3 captchaLength: 7 Converter: Rakamak: fileName: users.rak useIP: false ipFileName: UsersIp.rak newPasswordHash: SHA256 Email: mailSMTP: mailPort: 465 mailAccount: [email protected] mailPassword: '********' mailSenderName: test RecoveryPasswordLength: 8 mailSubject: Your new AuthMe Password maxRegPerEmail: 1 mailText: 'Dear <playername>, <br /><br /> This is your new AuthMe password for the server <br /><br /> <servername> : <br /><br /> <generatedpass><br /><br />Do not forget to change password after login! <br /> /changepassword <generatedpass> newPassword' Hooks: multiverse: true chestshop: true bungeecord: false notifications: true disableSocialSpy: true Performances: useMultiThreading: false

je en partie regler le probleme,maintenand c que les email des mots de passe ne sont pas envoyer alors que j configurer correctement le serveur mail , si j’utilise le mien cela ne marche pas il faut que j’utilise le serveur de google , help me please